Illustration Project #4 - GIG Poster

This illustration project will be launched and critiqued by visiting illustrator Travis Bone.

• You can learn a little more about him at the link

• His illustration and design portfolio link is

• You can see and purchase his poster art at the website store,

Project Description

An Illustration for the Entertainment Industry – A GIG Poster

The particulars for the project will be discussed in class during the Travis Bone visit.
Be prepared with some thoughts are which band you would will be illustrating your GIG poster for and who their particular audience is comprised of. You may want to prepare by blocking in a preliminary Creative Brief, and compile some visual research for the project.

Project Outcome
Students who complete this assignment successfully will be able to:
•    Learn the particulars about professional GIG posters and illustration
•    Cultivate a stronger illustration style learning new techniques
•    Utilize a methodology to create a professional illustration
•    Develop strong skills in observation, creativity, and concep

Materials Required
Quality sketch book paper, pencils, ink pens, and Adobe software.

Project Schedule

The following items will be due in class and on your blog on the date specified.
Remember, much of your graded is influenced on on the illustration process work you show, or do not show, on your blog.

Project Launch - Tuesday, October 29th

Extra Credit - Tuesday, October 29th, 5-9 pm, Shaw Gallery
• Travis Bone Art Talk & Poster Show, 5:15, Lobby, KVAC & Shaw Gallery
Film Showing, Just Being There, 7 pm, Allred Theatre, Browning Performaning Arts Building

Project Brief, Visual Research & Concept Thumbnails (6) Due - Thursday, October 30th

Illustration Roughs Due (3) - Tuesday, November 5th

Illustration Comps (2) - Thursday, November 7th

Final Illustration Comp (1) - Tuesday, November 12th

Final GIG Illustration & Poster Due - Thursday, November 14th