Illustration Project #2 - Book Cover II

The next illustration project is related to the first. You did such a great job illustrating the cover of the novel The Ball, the publisher has asked you to do a re-design and illustration of Alice Sebold’a first book, The Lovely Bones. That book was a best seller and made into a movie.

The publisher wants the book re-designed in the spirit and style of your first book cover, re-positioning the story in past reader’s eyes as well as introducing it to new readers who enjoyed The Ball, but may not be aware of The Lovely Bones. If this second illustration is as successful as the first, then all of Alice Sebold’s book covers will be re-designed and illustrated by you.

We will follow a similar illustration methodology as the first project.

The due dates for each phase of this illustration project are as follows, with the final cover illustration due Tuesday, October 3rd.  All project items due, as well as their due dates, are indicated in red.

Please be prepared to work on your illustration in-class during reviews and discussions.

Establishing Parameters: 
Project Launch
• Project Brief

Work outside of class, Thursday, September 19th
Gather Information:
• Word Lists
• Image Boards
  - Word/Picture Associations
  - Content Reference
  - Illustration Approaches/Style

Due Tuesday, September 24th
- Review & Discuss  

Concept Development:
Ideas on Paper 
Thumbnail Idea Sketches (6 or more)

Illustration Roughs:
Illustration Concept Explorations
• B/W or Color Roughs (3 or more)

Due Thursday, September 26th
- Review & Discuss 

Illustration Comp:
Illustration Development
• Comprehensive Color Illustration

Due Thursday, October1st
- Review & Critique

Finished Illustration:
Final Form
• Full Color (1 image)
Final Size
• Text Added 

 Due Thursday, October 3rd
- Present & Critique
- Delivery  (Print out and hang in hallway)