Most illustrators create their final illustrations using a methodological approach. The illustration’s concept, message and final form is developed over the course of the process. This helps facilitate an illustrator's creativity, allows the development of a quality image, and ensures the final image will effectively communicate the intended message to the appropriate audience.
While this methodology is a fairly consistent approach to the illustration process, it is influenced by the talent, knowledge and experience of the particular illustrator and is therefore unique to the artist.
Part of the objective is this class is for you to discover your particular approach to image-making, that helps you create successful and expressive illustrations.
We will follow this methodology with each illustration project in this class. You will want to put particular emphasis on the stages of the process that you may be deficient in to help you develop most as an illustrator. Proper attention to each stage will ensure your illustration is creative, a high quality image, and a compelling and appropriate visual message.
You are required to post evidence of each stage of the development of your illustration class projects on your blog.
Here are some links to past student blogs which show the development of
their particular illustration projects which follow this methodology:
This particular student did not conceptualize a lot of ideas in the
beginning of the process, but did of lot of exploration in the final
phases of image-making.
- Unfortunately, this blog post starts with the final illustration posted at top. Begin viewing the process at the end of the post and scroll upwards to better see how the illustration was developed.
You might also want to check out this student's illustration process on another project as well:
This student works digitally so she can to fine tune her final illustrations conceptually as well as her form.
Establishing Parameters:
Project Launch
• Project Brief
- Discussion
Gather Information:
• Word Lists
• Image Boards
- Word/Picture Associations
- Content Reference
- Illustration Approaches/Style
- Review
Concept Development:
Ideas on Paper
• Thumbnail Sketches (Six or more images)
- Review & Discuss
Illustration Roughs:
Concept Explorations
• B/W or Color (3 or more images)
Concept Sketches (Thumbnails
- Review & Discuss
Illustration Comp:
Illustration Development
• B/W or Color (1 or more image)
Concept Sketches (Thumbnails
- Review & Critique
Finished Illustration:
Final Form
• Color (1 image)
• Final Size
- Present & Critique
Final Production:
Ready for Publication
• Final Corrections
• Appropriate Resolution
• Appropriate File Format
- Delivery (Print out and hang in hallway)