
Seven readings are due for the class, all of the chapters in the Illustration textbook. A comprehensive and well-designed reading outline of the chapter is due posted on your individual class blog on the date indicated.

Reading #1Due Sep 3rd                                      
Illustration, Andrew Hall 
C1 - Training to be an Illustrator    
Pgs 6-19

Reading #2Due Sep 12th                                        
Illustration, Andrew Hall
C2 - The Mechanics of Visualizing
Pgs 20 to 57

Reading #3Due Sep 19th
Illustration, Andrew Hall 
C4 - The Editorial Brief   
Pgs 76-99

Reading #4Oct 1st
Illustration, Andrew Hall 
C3 - The Mechanics of Communication   
Pgs 58-75

Reading #5Due Oct 10th                                   
Illustration, Andrew Hall 
C7 - The Entertainment Brief    
Pgs 150-181

Reading #6Due Nov 5th                                   
Illustration, Andrew Hall 
C6 - The Advertising Brief    
Pgs 126-149

Reading #7Due Nov 21st                                       
Illustration, Andrew Hall 
C5 - The Publishing Brief    
Pgs 100-125

Extra Credit Readings:
Illustration, Andrew Hall 
C8 - Future Pathways in Illustraton
Pgs 182-197 

Illustration, Andrew Hall 
C9 - Working as an Illustrator
Pgs 198-221